Details Point to Space

Andreas Schimmelpfennig: Reset the mindset

Do 24 Juni 2021 – 18:30 Uhr
Zoom (Link siehe weitere Info).
Studentische Vortragsreihe Point to Space betreut von Prof. Philipp Thesen. When a complete brand event suddenly must move into the digital sphere due to Corona: how do you create a completely new way to tell stories of a brand in an informative but highly entertaining way? The keynote is an intense walk behind the scenes of planning, creating, and producing a complex project like the BMW #NEXTGen 2020. With several fails but – luckily – great successes, too. The project has already been awarded with an IF Design Award Gold and 2x Gold, 1x Silver, 2x Bronze at this year's ADC Award.

Der Termin

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Der Referent

Andreas started as a sound designer for movies and commercials before he studied communication design and founded the design agency Elastique. several years later together with his wife Prof. Betty Schimmelpfennig.

With Elastique. – consisting of 25+ digital consultants, creative experts, and design specialists with a focus on brand- and innovation communication – Andreas is convinced that great experience design is only possible through a strong strategic approach, a feel for aesthetics, craft, passion, and personal commitment. Simplicity, clarity, beauty, fun – is what Andreas searches in every project.

Die Vortragsreihe

Point to Space ist eine studentisch organisierte Veranstaltungsreihe am Fachbereich Gestaltung der Hochschule Darmstadt unter Betreuung von Prof. Philipp Thesen. Gastvortragende und Mitglieder des Fachbereichs stellen in Vorträgen und Workshops unterschiedlichste Positionen des Design vor, die dazu anregen sollen, die gesamte Bandbreite der Disziplin zu erkunden. Mehr zur Vortragsreihe