
Jenny Heier: Human Centered Design in the age of AI

Do 10 Juni 2021 – 18:30 Uhr
Zoom (Link siehe weitere Info).
Studentische Vortragsreihe Point to Space betreut von Prof. Philipp Thesen. Zoom (Technology has always influenced the work, methods and tools of the creative community... so does AI. This talk reflects on the challenges and fears designers and artists are facing when it comes to the tasks that will be substituted by ML and AI. Representing the misleading perceptions, communication and ways of drawing unrealistic expectations of the technology, by media and scientific scholars.

Resulting in a reality check of a selection of current projects and algorithms that support the design process. Followed by a section about the great opportunities and new roles for designers and artists generated by the technology. Such as co-creation with algorithms and data scientists and the shift from creator to curator, amongst others. Furthermore an overview of the development of Human-Centered-AI principles is provided. Showing differences and similarities in those approaches, and making clear what kind of answers are still missing. Those insights are then mapped to the role of UX in an industrial setting, making a connection to a real world scenario. 

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Die Referentin

Jennifer is an Industrial Designer at heart who's specialized in User and Customer Research. She studied Industrial Design in Darmstadt (Diploma), did her Bachelor of Arts in San Francisco and her Master of Science in User Research in Edinburgh. She loves to work in a diverse and cross disciplinary team close to new technology topics contributing her passion for human-centric-innovation and continuously questioning the status quo. She is currently working at Siemens digital industries data lab as Head of UX driven AI, bringing the human factor into the B2B context. Besides, she is doing her PhD at the Bauhaus University in Weimar investigating how the creative community should and could positively influence AI development. She believes in the power of her profession to contribute and add value to the challenges, as well as opportunities, of the digital age.

Die Vortragsreihe

Point to Space ist eine studentisch organisierte Veranstaltungsreihe am Fachbereich Gestaltung der Hochschule Darmstadt unter Betreuung von Prof. Philipp Thesen. Gastvortragende und Mitglieder des Fachbereichs stellen in Vorträgen und Workshops unterschiedlichste Positionen des Design vor, die dazu anregen sollen, die gesamte Bandbreite der Disziplin zu erkunden. Mehr zur Vortragsreihe